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Mill Hill School’s Partnership with Let’s all Talk Mental Health

Miss Boyle (Assistant Head – Pupil Development and Wellbeing) would like to remind our parents of Mill Hill School’s partnership with ‘Let’s all Talk Mental Health’. Let’s all Talk Mental Health is an online hub for parents, caregivers and family members to support their teens through mental health struggles, to understand the issues and to find out more about routes for help.  

Each week, the organisation hosts webinars which discuss different mental health issues. These live sessions take place with the UK’s top clinical psychologists, therapists and psychiatrists. Every session includes at least 30 minutes of anonymous audience Q&A. The webinars take place every Monday at 8 pm. Tonight’s webinar is titled ‘Self Esteem and your teen – How you can help.’ The next three weeks of webinars will cover; family breakdown and separation and the impact on teenage mental health, eating disorders in teens, and, finally, ‘Ask Away’ audience Q&A 

Let’s all Talk Mental Health also includes on-demand access to a vast library of in-depth talks and interviews and regular “Ask Away” audience Q&As with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sarah-Jane Knight.  

Parents can register for a pass to access these resources by clicking here.