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This week in Nursery…

What a wonderful start to the spring term we have had. When the children returned, they found out that our new topic was ‘Up, up and away’. The children came into school to find a letter from Stickman, he had been on an adventure and we then had to follow aeroplanes to find out who he went on an adventure with. We followed the clues to a story called ‘Emma Jane’s adventure’. Emma Jane had also written us a letter and she needs our help. She wants to go on another adventure however she isn’t sure what she should use to go on her adventure.

On Monday the children brought in a variety of toys and books that fly. We had a fantastic discussion about whether any of these would work for Emma Jane and we made a wonderful list of things we would explore in more detail to find out.

This week we looked in more details at sleighs. These are very much still on the children’s minds and they loved using their experiences over the holidays to role play being Santa and his reindeer.

The role play area has been transformed into an aeroplane over the holidays and the children have enjoyed becoming a pilot, cabin crew and passengers. They have been travelling to many wonderfully exotic destinations.

As part of phase one Phonics, we worked on our listening skills and following instructions this week. The children had to listen carefully to the instructions when playing a game about where they should put their beanbag. They also had to listen carefully to the instructions to colour a picture of Santa and his reindeer.

This half term we are looking at patterns in maths. This week we wanted the children to notice patterns so we created patterns with the children when lining up, we sang songs with repeating patterns and read stories with patterns in too.

The children used their imaginative skills to create a new sleigh for Santa today. They could draw, paint or use recycled materials to make a new sleigh. We discussed how we could improve the sleigh, how we could make it faster, safer and dryer.