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This week in Nursery…

We’ve had a fantastic week in Nursery.

The children enjoyed learning our new sound ‘a’ and decorating their sound card with apple colours. We also explored alliteration and the children sorted objects that had the same starting sound.

We explored Chinese New Year and learnt about the story of the 12 animals crossing the river. The children had great fun dressing up as a dragon and doing a dragon dance, they also made lanterns and attempted to mark make the Chinese numbers in the sand and on a writing scroll.

On Tuesday the children painted a Chinese dragon. I showed the children how to paint a dragon and Ms Staniford and Miss Cosgrave had a go too. However, they found it quite difficult and wanted to give up. The children told them to try their best and give 10 out of 10 best effort and they did. This resulted in the children trying their best and everybody gave it a go. Some children even received Tommy the Tortoise, our learning friend, who is given to children who persevere and do not give up.

We have continued to think about pattern and the children really enjoyed rolling the dice and copying the matching pattern. The children made some fantastic marks and tried their best to copy the zigzag, spiral and straight lines.