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This week in Reception…

This week we have got stuck into our new topic with a mystery delivery arriving in Assembly. IT FLEW THROUGH THE WINDOW! Miss Garnett looked inside to find a book, a scarf, some goggles and a hat, who did this all belong to? Where did it come from? We read through the book to find it was from a girl called Emma Jane. She had flown around the world visiting different cities and collecting friends on her journey. A fox from London, a rooster from Paris, a pigeon from New York, a lion from Venice, a dragon from Beijing and a wombat from Sydney. As they flew around they got into some trouble over the sea in a thunderstorm and Emma Jane’s aeroplane went into the sea and crashed. Just as we were reading this part of the story, a letter appeared from Emma Jane. She needed our help to get her friends back home, a hunt began to find the landmarks so she could drop her friends back home. I wonder where this will lead our learning journey next week!

We have enjoyed beginning our up, up and away topic by decorating our classrooms. We have made our own role play aeroplanes and airports and have enjoyed acting out recent trips we have been on. Using a map we have been showing where we have been on holiday over Christmas or a holiday before. We spoke about the different things we did on holiday and what we packed in our suitcases. We have made maps, passports, plane tickets and signs for the areas of the plane/airport.

In Maths we have been learning about classification by sorting in different ways. We have been sorting objects by size, colour, character, legs, boys, and girls or even by what things feel like. We will continue to learn about this next week using Venn Diagrams to support.