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This week in Reception…

Wow! Reception, you have had a wonderful week celebrating Chinese New Year! This week we have created our own Chinese lanterns, used thin paint brushes to write Chinese numbers and designed dragon masks. We learned which year on the Zodiac Wheel we were born. Our favourite part was exploring noodles with large tweezers and plates.

Within our ‘Up, Up and Away’ topic, each class has focused on a city from the story to explore. RAB class have been looking at Paris, RHH have been learning about Sydney and RAM have explored New York. The children have learned a new fact about their chosen city, which we will collect in a large fact book in each class.

This week in Phonics we have been revisiting trigraphs ‘igh’, ‘ear’, ‘air’ and the Rainbow Words ‘the’, ‘my’, ‘was’ and ‘me’. We have read aloud sentences to spot the hidden trigraphs in words and created sentences using the Rainbow Words. On our Cabin Day, we enjoyed hunting for the hidden ‘igh’ words around the adventure playground. Once we spotted a word that contained the trigraph ‘igh’ we wrote it on our clipboards!

In Maths this week, we have been focusing on ‘Counting the Sort’ and ‘Cardinality’. Within this focus we develop our counting skills by: counting from zero, touching each item one at a time and finding the total amount.

In the classroom we have been using nets to catch fish in the water and applying our new counting skills accurately. We have challenged ourselves further by matching the amounts to the correct Numicon pieces and numerals.