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This week in Year 2…

Happy New Year and welcome back to the Spring term.

Our super space explorers have been on an outer space mission since they arrived in school. The children began their exploration by providing first impressions of the new environment and taking photos of what they really liked in their classrooms. The children also gave some suggestions as to, where our journey was taking us, what they know about our topic and what they would like to know.

The following day, as we were lined up for Forest School, we were alerted by Mrs Simon who came running out to explain that last night, she had heard a big bang, a loud crashing sound and some strange (but happy) noises close by. “Please can you help me investigate immediately? I need your help to find out what is going on!” she asked, and a so of course, that is exactly what we did!

After a careful walk around the grounds of Grimsdell, it was clear to see that a rocket had crash landed in our very own Nursery Forest School. The children were surprised and extremely curious as to why there was an array of party litter around the site. Our space explorers were keen to begin their second mission to find out about what had happened. The children discussed some of the following questions, using question words: why is the rocket in forest? Why is there party litter all over the ground? Who made this mess? Why is it here? Where has it come from? They then carried out some classwork, using their inference skills to think about these questions and record their ideas to help find out the mystery.

The children were so engaged during their exploration, that we thought it would be a great idea to inform the rest of the community about what they had found, by writing a news report. Prior to this, we were fortunate to have a Grimsdell parent, who is the editor of a newspaper, visit school to talk to the children about news reporting and other aspects of her job. This was the perfect way to inspire the children and create their newspaper report using the Pages app on the iPads. Thank you.

After that, we received a mysterious letter from a man called Bob – “I have read your news report and see you have found a rocket! I think it is mine! Here is a story all about me. Read it and find out about my life as the man on the moon.” So, we carried out some tasks to find out more about Bob and his life on the moon.