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Chapel Services

Chapel at Mill Hill School is an integral part of our community and each week the school community gathers for a Chapel service to pause and reflect on several aspects of life and community. Chapel services are formal occasions where the community enjoys a vibrant hymnal singing led by Mr Kyle, Director of Musical Performance. During the weekly services, we are fortunate to be able to listen to Chapel Strings, Chapel Brass and the Chapel Choir.  

This term we have had some inspiring chapel services led by the members of Mill Hill Community. Macgregor House led a brilliant service which took us on a journey through the Southeast Asian Traditions of celebrating the Lunar New Year and Chinese New Year. We had our very own ‘Wishing Tree’ as part of the Chinese New Year tradition with pupils and staff having the opportunity to write their wishes for the year and hang them on the tree in The Octagon.  

As a school, we are very proud of our Pillar Values and this term there were two Chapel services sign-posting our thoughts and reflections about Integrity and Learning. I led the service on Integrity, from the underpinning elements of Polonius’ famous words ‘To thine own self be true’ from Hamlet. The importance of being true to oneself was highlighted in the light of having true values which resonates kindness and honesty in lives. Weymouth House led a Chapel service on Learning, highlighting some of the key aspects of continuous learning and learning from role-models. The pupils were challenged to think about Nelson Mandela’s famous quote on education, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’ as part of the ongoing privilege of learning and education.  

Mr Traeger, Teacher of History and Politics led an inspiring and moving service on Holocaust Memorial Week. His thoughts and reflections about the lives of Walter Rosenberg and Fred Wetzler and their influential report which saved 200,000 Jewish lives was remarkable and very moving. 

We are fortunate and blessed to have our Chapel services and we believe in these opportunities which help shape our thoughts, values, and foundational ethos of the Foundation.  

Mr Selvaraj