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This week in Reception…

This week in Reception we have started to learn about a new city. In RAB they have been taking a journey to Venice, RAM went to London to meet Paddington bear and eat marmalade sandwiches and RHH went to Beijing and looked at the shapes of different temples. We have enjoyed learning about these cities and the countries they are the capital of. We have been making our own fact books while learning about these new places and are looking forward to making our own front covers next week. I wonder if we can remember any facts about where we have visited.

In Circle Time we learnt about how to look after our friends and what it means to be a kind friend to our peers. We are encouraging our classes to use kind words and kind actions when playing in the playground and rewarding the fantastic behaviour we see. We also met our first learning friend, Ursula the Unicorn. She is our creative learning friend who we will be rewarded with when we are seen to do something creative and use our imagination, we will spend a session playing with her and get a very special sticker.