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This week in Reception…

This week has been ‘Road Safety Week’. We have had discussions on how to be safe near a road and how to cross a road safety. We learned to ‘Stop, Look, Listen and Think’ before crossing a road. We have created zebra crossings using torn pieces of paper and designed our own ‘stop’ signs using creative materials.

We started topic of ‘Space!’ by reading the story ‘Whatever Next!’. We have been role playing the story of the bear travelling to the moon using story props. It has been so fun exploring our new role-play areas, a ‘Space Station’ in RAM, and ‘Space Dens’ in RAB and RHH. In our Space areas we have looked carefully at the stars projected and drew what we could see and find in space.

In Literacy we have developed our skills of sequencing and re-telling of the story ‘Whatever Next!’. We also wrote a list of what we would like to take to the moon.