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This week in Year 2…

The children have had a fantastic Book Week and participated in many book related activities, including:

  • a teacher book run
  • daily book clues
  • mystery readers
  • a visit by author, Frann Preston Gannon. She wrote ‘There’s a Rang-Tan in my bedroom’
  • designing book covers
  • a visit from Belmont librarians….and more.

It has been so lovely to see the children’s love of reading come to life, and this was especially evident in our ‘Dress up’ parade. Thank you to all our parents for helping create your child’s book character and reading a favourite book to the children – they thoroughly enjoyed it! Please have a look at Seesaw for more photos of the week!

In Maths, our ‘measuring’ unit continued with the focus estimating and measuring using different scales. We learnt about ‘statistics’, and the children began to interpret/construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables.

We were also fortunate to have a visit from the police who reminded the children how to keep safe in their local area. The children were taught about ‘the magic 4’ (the four groups of people to help us if lost in the local area) – police, security in uniform, shopkeepers, and parents with a buggy. Thank you to our local neighbourhood police.