Year 2 have been preparing for our ‘War of the Worlds’ workshop with composer Jeff Wayne. This iconic piece of music ties in nicely with our ‘Space’ theme and tells the story of Martians coming to Earth. We have been exploring the impact that music can have and how it can make us feel and imagine different things and transport us back to certain events in our lives. Using the ‘music tee-pee’ lead by the ‘Musical Dots’ the children sit inside an imaginary ‘tee-pee’ and think about how the music they are hearing makes them feel, what instruments they can hear and whether they can imagine any scenarios whilst listening. We have been listening to a variety of styles and discussing the different effects they have on us. I love hearing the children describe how the music has touched them.
Whilst watching a short section of the opening of ‘The War of the Worlds’ (called ‘The Eve of War’) the children commented on how the music creates specific sounds to produce a ‘science fiction’ feel; with pitch bends from the electric guitars using the whammy bar and unique sounds from the synthesizers.
There is a strong drum beat throughout which the children have been playing along to with the tambourines.
We have also been learning a sung section which we will be working with during our workshop in a couple of weeks. The children are really enjoying exploring this piece and I am very excited for them to meet Jeff Wayne and hear his inspiration behind it all first-hand.