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This week in Nursery…

What a wonderfully busy Book Week! The children have loved taking part in all the different activities.

This week in class we have enjoyed creating bookmarks and our very own books. We have also looked at the stories of Zog and Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson. The children used their knowledge of the stories to re tell them.

Our role play area was transformed into a Library this week. The children loved being Mrs Harvey and stamping all the books in and out. Mrs Harvey even came for a visit and borrowed one of our books.

This week’s Show and Tell was amazing. You could see the children had confidently chosen their favourite book as they all spoke in great detail about the book and why they loved it. It was wonderful to see that every family in our school appreciates the importance of books and that love is shone through onto the children.

The children also took part in buddy reading with a Reception class this week. They loved sharing books and getting to know some of the older children and it was lovely to see some new friendships blossom.

Dress up Day on Thursday was a huge success! The children loved dressing up and showing off their outfits to each other. We had a cute little catwalk in the classroom where the children talked about what book they were from.

Today was another wonderful Forest Funday Friday. This week they searched for Superworm from the wonderful story by Julia Donaldson. They remembered the rules of Forest School and became a little more confident to explore the space independently.