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Model United Nations Club (MUN) Attend the Annual Model United Nations Conference 

The Model United Nations Club (MUN) attended the Haberdashers’ Boys’ School Annual Model United Nations Conference, for a weekend of drafting resolutions, committee debates and, of course, the General Assembly.  

On Friday and Saturday, Mill Hill School’s delegations represented Poland and Sudan on a range of issues in the committee. These issues included questions on the treatment of women in Afghanistan, the colonisation of outer space and the question of Non-Self-Governing Territories.  

Each delegate proposed their own resolutions and spent Saturday lobbying and debating clauses of over five resolutions and were interrupted only by karaoke sessions and rounds of the gossip box! Florence G (Murray House) was the delegate for Sudan, and she was recognised as the best delegate for her committee in the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM). Florence’s resolution was also debated in General Assembly.  

The conference concluded with General Assembly on Sunday, where delegates from each committee joined together to debate and vote on resolutions that had been passed in committee. After a weekend of effective diplomacy and fruitful debate, the delegates of Poland and Sudan were already planning their return next year when they were on the bus home!  

Imogen T (School House)