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Old Millhillian Andy Mortimer

Much loved Old Millhillian (OM) Andy Mortimer (Burton Bank 1957-61) sadly passed away this April. After leaving the School Andy continued his close links with Mill Hill. He was a big part of the Old Millhillians Rugby Club (OMRFC), a Club President and the Chairman of the Club for over 10 years. His funeral was attended by Old Millhillians spanning seven decades. It was a beautiful and moving ceremony followed by a wake at the Saracens stadium, StoneX. Andy will be hugely missed by all.  

Andy’s daughter, Sophie Mortimer (Burton Bank House 1988-90) said a few words.  

“Whilst it was a sad and reflective day for us, it was also a genuine comfort to be surrounded by so many of Dad’s friends, many of whom he met when he was at Mill Hill School and OMRFC. Martin Jourdan (Ridgeway House 1958-62) and Max Mortimer (Burton Bank House 1990-92) gave lovely, fitting eulogies at the church and Bob Marshall – Andrews (Winterstoke House 1957-62) and Peter Wakeham (Burton Bank House 1960-64) spoke at the wake afterwards, (kindly hosted by Nigel Wray (Ridgeway House 1961-66), sharing their personal recollections of him. 

We were really struck by the depth and breadth of Dad’s friendships. The church and the wake were full of OMs – from both the older and newer generations. We have received many letters talking about Dad, how he was at school and his involvement in the Club. His was certainly a life well lived”

Laura Turner
OM Relations


1). Andy and Sophie Mortimer

2). Andy playing rugby on Top Field

3). Andy’s Hockey Team (front row, second from right)

4). The Wake

5-8). Andy during his time at Mill Hill School