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This week in Nursery…

The children returned to school to find we had a new topic. The topic is ‘Wild and Wonderful’ and on the first day back the children found a large treasure chest with a golden egg and a message in a bottle. The letter was from Captain Swashbuckle and he has asked the Nursery class to look after his treasure until he returns. They have looked after it very well so far and have created lots of treasure maps, pirate ships, flags and boats for the Captain.

The outside role play area was filled with boxes and pirate resources. The children have used these in an incredibly creative manner making pirate ships, telescopes, houses, beds so the space is continuously changing and enhancing their learning.

The children have continued to enjoy the Phonics activities in class. They are taking a great interest in the sounds and are ensuring everyone in the class says the sounds they have learnt already correctly.

On Thursday the children played a fun Maths pirate game. The children practiced their 1:1 counting going forwards and backwards being careful not to walk the plank!

Today the children enjoyed wearing their crowns in Forest School. They also got to experience their first fire in Forest School. They remembered all the rules about how to behave around the fire circle and enjoyed a yummy treat.