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This week in Nursery…

We have had a fantastic week in Nursery.

The children enjoyed learning our new sounds ‘f’ and ‘b’. They decorated their sound cards with blue paint, pens and feathers.

On Monday the children played a blending Bingo game. The children all had their very own Bingo board and had to listen to sounds and then cross off the picture if they had it. They all enjoyed shouting out BINGO if they were the winner.

On Tuesday the children were developing their mathematical skills of subitising and counting. The children all had to make their own gold coins to spend at the Pirate shop. They made 5 and then had to think carefully about what they could afford to buy at the shop. They thoroughly enjoyed their purchases.

On Thursday the children were incredibly excited to have a visit from Captain Swashbuckle the pirate. He returned to school to collect his treasure and as a thank you for looking after his treasure so well, he gave all the children some of his pirate treasure coins. The children loved asking him questions about being a pirate and singing him the sea shanty we had learnt in class.

Today in Forest School the children found more special treasure from Captain Swashbuckle. He left the children special pirate medallions for them to decorate and wear in the forest.

Within our continuous provision activities this week the children had great fun playing with bats and balls in lots of different ways linked with the sound of the week ‘b’. The children enjoyed playing tennis, making the ping pong balls float and moving them along the guttering and playing throwing and catching games.

In PE this week the children had a wonderful lesson learning how to play golf. The children learnt the names of the golf clubs and how to hit them correctly.