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This week in Reception…

What a wonderful start to our summer term! We have started our new topic of ‘Wild and Wonderful’ with a hole in our walls! Something or someone has come through the wall and left a terrible and horrible mess in our classrooms, leaving their footprints everywhere!

We have been thinking creatively and investigating what could have made the mess. RAB drew what they predicted could have made the mess on their iPads while RAM and RHH have been drawing their predictions on paper.

The first week back was Eco Week and we have been exploring different ways to look after our environment. We started the week by making bird feeders using Cheerios and pipe cleaners. We had a day without using any paper, we made posters for ‘cleaner air’ and we used them for a protest on Thursday morning where we encouraged our grown-ups to switch their car engines off. For Forest School, we went litter picking all around the school grounds. We can really tell the difference as the school grounds look very clean and tidy!

Over the past two weeks, in Phonics, we have learnt the following constant blends ‘sn’, ‘sw’, and ‘st’ which will support children to read and write words like ‘snail’, ‘sweet’ and ‘stop’. To consolidate the learning, we played games where children had to sort the pictures in the correct group sound. We learnt the twin letters ‘ll’ and ‘ss’ which together make a longer sounds when read aloud. Children have been asking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions to consolidate the twin letters in provision. Our new Rainbow words were ‘put’ and ‘into’ which we used to make and write short sentences.

In Maths, we have continued to look at the composition of a number using a range of ways to show two-parts’ of the ‘whole’ number. We have introduced the use of ‘cherry trees’ which the children have taken on board in their independent play.