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Activities Week!

It has been an action-packed week at Mill Hill! During the final week of term, Mill Hill pupils have had a brilliant time venturing near and far to experience a whole host of activities and experiences. The beginning of the week saw pupils jet-setting across Europe for language trips (Lille, San Sebastian and Cologne), a Golf and Tennis Tour (Cyprus), Biology trip (The Azores), Geography trip (Sicily) as well as travelling further afield to Zimbabwe as part of our partnership with the Tag Rugby Trust.  

It was great to see photos of the pupils having a brilliant time alongside the picturesque views that were greatly appreciated, albeit through a screen! A CCF convoy also ventured to Barry Buddon, Scotland, for ‘Summer Camp’ but appeared to spend most of their time carrying out their training exercises in the rain! 

Closer to home, pupils in the Fourth Form, Remove and Lower Sixth Form engaged in day trips that took them across the breadth of London. From Arts and Cultural Enrichment week visiting the likes of Bletchley Park and the Royal Academy of Arts, to the introduction of the ‘Mill Hill’ Olympics, competing in white water rafting and BMX races, our pupils have had a jam-packed week creating memories to last a lifetime.

The infamous Adrenaline Week saw pupils soaring high at iFLY, breaking out of escape rooms (for the most part!), conquering their fear at Go Ape and fighting their corner at paintballing to name a few. Pupils came back adrenaline-fuelled and with a sense of accomplishment, proud of their achievements from the day. 

Within the School grounds, pupils put themselves to the test with a Mill Hill themed scavenger hunt, had an introduction to Fencing with Leon Paul, learnt what it takes to train a Gun Dog, and competed in the Great Mill Hill Bake Off. All workshops embedded and revealed new skills in each pupil.  

The Lower Sixth Form pupils received immense praise from Ms Suarez-Rivas (Head of PE at Grimsdell) for their contribution to Grimsdell Sports Day. Mill Hill pupils supported the running of the day and both parents and staff were very complimentary of our pupils – thank you to all those involved.

The Drama and Music department welcomed Konflux to assist with putting on a production where pupils were in the driving seat and adapted the script to their liking, organised costumes and the set. The near-full audience thoroughly enjoyed the performance and were in disbelief it had been brought together in only three days – amazing work! In support of the curriculum, the English, Computer Science and Design and Technology Departments lead subject-based excursions that gave immersive and tangible experiences to further explore classroom topics in the real world. 

On Wednesday the joint Hockey and Rugby tour departed for South Africa, and we wish them safe travels and success in their fixtures! 

I hope all pupils had a brilliant week and you will look back on this week with fondness. I would like to extend heartfelt thanks to the staff that have led and supported these trips and made Activities Week possible. I wish you all a wonderful and well-deserved Summer Holiday. 

Ms Wong
Head of Games and Activities Co-ordinator