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Old Millhillians Club Annual Dinner

Last Friday the Old Millhillians (OM) Club celebrated their Annual Dinner at the spectacular Merchant Taylors’ Hall in the City of London. 150 Old Millhillians, School Prefects, Staff and special guests including the new incoming Head, David Benson joined us, as we celebrated our Club President’s Chris Kelly’s extraordinary year and welcomed our first female President to the Club. Stephanie Jones Miller (Priestley 1990-92) who is also a Life Guardian and on the Board of Governors, is looking forward to embracing her new role.

“Becoming President of the Old Millhillians Club, the first female to do so, is a huge privilege. I hope that I am able to do the Club proud in this role and look forward to meeting many OMs as I navigate a full programme of events over the next year”. Stephanie Jones Miller.

It was wonderful to see the Mill Hill pupils mix with the OMs and YOMs (Young Old Millhillians) and we look forward to welcoming them all to the Club when they leave the school next summer. Special guests included Saracen’s Nigel Wray (Ridgeway 1961-66) and Robert Udwin (Rugby Football Union, Senior Vice President) who joined us as we listened to Mrs Jane Sanchez give her final speech as Head at the dinner, followed by gifts presented to Jane and her husband Raul by the Club. Jane has been a huge support and friend of the Old Millhillians Club and as an alumni community, we look forward to seeing Jane at many of our events moving forward.

The Club website and calendar of events can be found here.

Laura Turner
OM Relation Officer