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Art Installation for Call to Remembrance 2023

‘Our installation signifies the relationship between parents and children in times of conflict.

While our staff and students knitted, crocheted and weaved, they felt empathy with the parents of those serving in the wars.

A parent’s instinct is to comfort and protect. However, in times of war, carers are not at liberty to do this. In both World Wars, knitting became a national duty. Drives such as ‘Come do your bit – knit!’, ‘Knit for Victory!’ and ‘Knitting the Nation!’ encouraged women and children to make clothing, blankets, even woollen helmet covers, to assist those at the front. We imagine this provided mothers with a sense of control, and an outlet for giving, during periods of separation.

Our woven pathway hopes to offer a spiritual connection between families, alive and deceased, who have been changed by war.’

Lucinda Randell
Head of Art