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French Exchange Trip

Belmont pupils returned to Rouen, Normandy, this week to continue the second part of the French exchange programme—an annual tradition spanning over 40 years. The enduring connection between Belmont and the Institution Jean-Paul II School, nestled in the heart of this enchanting historical town, offers pupils a unique opportunity to enjoy a homestay with a French family and engage in various activities aimed at bringing their language skills to life.

Earlier this year, our pupils warmly welcomed their French counterparts into their homes, provided them with a glimpse of our school life, and accompanied them on an excursion to the Harry Potter studios. Now, it’s their turn —exploring Rouen and Paris, visiting Etretat, and embarking on other adventures that will immerse them in the rich French culture. Amidst these experiences, lasting and meaningful friendships are sure to blossom.

Tanja Bridge
Head of Modern Foreign Languages