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Year 4 and 5 Reading Challenge

I have been delighted to see the efforts of the children in Years 4 and 5 with their enthusiasm and commitment to the Reading Challenge. This first half of the Summer term, congratulations go to the following for reading 10 books, creating their reviews, and being awarded their Reading Challenge badges:

Summer Term 2
Bronze Emily 4BB, William 4BB, Livi 4NH, Radha 5YC
Silver Zakaria 4KC, Hari 4NH, Lucas 4KC, Jake 5JD, Lily, Sofia, Sophie 4BB
Gold Jayda 4BB, Aryaan 5YC
Diamond Amirah 4KC

NB – efforts have been made to ensure that all those who have received badges this term are named above. If your child’s name has been left out, this is an oversight on my part, and I do apologise. Please contact me and I will ensure that they are recognised next time.