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Old Millhillians visit the Old Millhillians Room

During the half term, we invited Old Millhillians to our first in a series of open archive mornings entitled “ Legacy on the Field”. Ms Francesca Forte, our Archivist, kicked off the morning with a tour of the sporting exhibition in the newly refurbished Old Millhillian room over coffee and pastries. We then moved to the Crick Room to view photos and ephemera specially selected for interest and from the decades our guests had been pupils at the school. It was a great opportunity to access the archives and also for us to learn more about the school from Old Millhillians. The sun decided to shine for us so we could enjoy a stroll around the school grounds before we bid our farewells.

We look forward to hosting our next morning during the autumn term, ‘A Morning of Music at Mill Hill,’ which already promises to be a special event.