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Head’s Blog

Looking back over the past 18 months it is clear that we have certainly not stood still. As outlined in my Foundation Day speech in 2020, we have maintained a focus on three key priorities; academic standards, buildings and community. Our academic successes both in public examinations and in the destination of our leavers is […]

At Grimsdell we made the decision at the end of last year to welcome a School Dog into our community. Just as many people during lockdown considered the benefits of a school dog we too began to consider what a dog might bring to the school in terms of wellbeing and joy. We researched the […]

The introduction of Mindfulness to our curriculum in Year 2 last year was so successful that we decided to invest energy and training into a Mindfulness curriculum for all our pupils aged 3-7. Bringing Mindfulness to this age group is a new branch of the Mindfulness teaching programme ‘Dots’ and we were excited to embed […]

After nearly 18 months of Zoom assemblies today we had our first face to face assembly. The children were delightful as ever and behaved as though the experience was perfectly normal, walking in to music with big smiles and plenty of waves to friends and teachers. For the staff, we felt somewhat emotional as it […]

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