We are honoured that many Old Millhillians choose to leave gifts of all sizes to Mill Hill School in their wills.
Some give as an expression of their affection for the school. Some give out of gratitude for how Mill Hill transformed their lives. All wish to give others the same opportunities that they had.
To find out more about making a gift to Mill Hill School in your will, please contact Director of Development, Lucia Hull: telephone 0208 906 7864 or email lucia.hull@mhsfoundation.uk.
All those who pledge to give a gift in their will are invited to join the 1807 Society. We meet for lunch each year, either in Central London or at the School.
These occasions are real highlights of the school calendar, bringing together a special community of Old Millhillians and friends of the School who care deeply about its future.
If you are an Old Millhillian and would like to create a new will, you can use our free online will-writing service. To find out more visit https://will.octopuslegacy.com/millhill.
As part of the process, you will be asked if you would like to leave a gift to the school in your will. However, it is not a condition of using the service.