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ABC Fun Run 2019

We are excited to announce that the ABC Fun Run is back for another year! On Friday 4 October pupils from across the Foundation will take part in a Fun Run (and swim!)

All pupils will be asked to raise funds towards our ABC Bursary Scheme, which provides full-fee places to talented and deserving children from less privileged families who are not able to afford the fees. Last year we raised over £19,000 and we’re really hoping to beat that target this year.

To sponsor your favourite Mill Hill or Belmont House in just a few seconds, click here! There’ll be a special prize for the House which is able to raise the most.


About ABC (A Better Chance) Bursaries

Since it was set up in 2007, the enormous sum of £5 million has been has been donated towards the ABC fund by parents, alumni and friends of the School, and more than 45 pupils have won places as a result (with countless individual success stories among them).

We firmly believe our bursary beneficiaries enrich our Schools, providing both talent and social diversity, and are determined to increase the number of places we offer.

“As a parent I want to help children who would ordinarily never have the same opportunities; to give them a chance to benefit from the unique environment that is our foundation.”

For more information on our Bursary programme please click here.