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Prep School Students

Safeguarding at Mill Hill

Child Protection Concerns – The Safeguarding Team

Reporting concerns regarding a pupil:

Miss Jade Boyle
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Assistant Head (Pastoral)
Designated Mental Health Lead
020 8906 6413 – jmb@millhill.org.uk

Mr Jordan Meakin
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Assistant Head (Boarding)
07821665767 – jme@millhill.org.uk

Mr Stuart Hendy
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Housemaster (Collinson)
020 8906 7850 – stuarth@millhill.org.uk

Miss Jessica Thurtell
Housemistress of Priestley
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
020 8906 7912

Mr John Barron
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Teacher of Chemistry
02089067894 – jab@millhill.org.uk

Ms Karen Kelly
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Safeguarding and Welfare Officer
02089067913 – klk@millhill.org.uk

Ms Annie Whatford
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
02089591432 – aw@millhill.org.uk

Reporting Concerns regarding a member of staff:

Any concern with the behaviour of colleagues or allegation made against a member of staff or volunteer, or the DSL, should immediately be reported to the Head of the School or, if the Head is absent, to the Chair of the Court of Governors of The Mill Hill Education Group.

Mr David Benson
Head – Mill Hill School
020 8959 1176 – head@millhill.org.uk

Reporting concerns regarding the Head:

Mr Antony Spencer, Chief Executive Officer
of Mill Hill Education Group
020 8906 6377 or ceo@millhill.org.uk

Reporting concerns regarding the CEO:

Mr Elliot Lipton, Chair of Governors
Emil via Maisie Bassingthwaite, Clerk to the Governors
020 8959 1176 or governance@millhill.org.uk

Safeguarding Policy

Please click here to visit the Policies and Procedures page where our Safeguarding Policy can be found.