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This Week in Nursery!

Wow what a great half term we have had at Nursery. It has gone incredibly quick and it has been wonderful to really get to know the children over the last few weeks and see their personalities develop as they settle in to school life.

This week we continued to work on phase one phonics listening skills. We played a game where the children had to pick an animal and then their friends had to ask questions to try and guess what it was. They were great at describing the animals and giving clues about where it might live.

We also played a game that really encouraged the children to use their listening ears. One child stood at the front of the class with their back to their friends and one of their friends said ‘Hello’. They then had to tell us who had said hello, we were amazed at how well they know their friends names and voices already.

The children have been talking about and creating their mummies and daddies in Nursery this week. They told what their mums and dads are particularly good at and what makes them so special. We also read the wonderful stories by Nick Butterworth called ‘My Dad is brilliant’ and ‘My Mum is fantastic’.

On Wednesday we had a wonderful visit from a vet, this was planned to follow the children’s interest in animals. She told us all about her job and the different things she does to look after lots of different animals.

Today the children went on a colour hunt around the playground. The children have loved making marks on paper using clipboards so we hid various colours around the playground and the children had to go and find them. Some of them were very tricky to find!