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This Week in Year 2!

Year 2 have been immersed into ‘The Egg Drop’ story and bringing the learning to life. Last week we performed an egg-mazing eggshell experiment which caused great egg-citement, whilst watching the many books being placed on the eggs. It showed the children just how strong eggshells are because of their dome shape.

However, the children were upset to have heard that the egg had tried to fly and unfortunately injured itself and had to seek help from Mrs Hurst. It was in capable hands and was treated with a bandage to fix his delicate shell and given a bravery sticker. Some children sent notes of good wishes to the egg- this made it feel better!

In Task Time, we had a carousel of some fun activities to enrich our Topic. The children performed various tasks with great focus and interest. These included –

  • Making hot air balloons fly in the sky using the Keynote app
  • Studying John Constable’s cloud paintings
  • Kindness clouds about our special people
  • Designing a bridge that can withstand weight
  • Performing the song ‘I can see clearly now…’
  • Reciprocal reading about looking up.

We spent time thinking about the egg stuck on the balcony and how it may be feeling. Have the children ever felt scared? What can we do to help? The children completed a Diamond 9 activity which displayed scenarios they are afraid of in a ranking order. We discussed some strategies to overcome being scared – deep breaths, being brave, ‘I can do this’ attitude and talking to someone.

The children looked at speech bubbles and marks within our text and after discussion with their partners, came up with ideas of what they thought the egg maybe saying.

In Phonics, we learnt about the Suffix ‘er’ and ‘est’ and how we can add these suffixes to compare things. The children learnt that the suffix -er is used to describe ‘more’ and the suffix -est is used to describe ‘most’. Can you spot any words with the Suffixes in your reading this weekend?