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Overseas Partnerships

Mill Hill School encourages pupils to take a wider world view through our Overseas Partnerships Initiative.

These partnerships:

  • Develop understanding of different peoples and cultures
  • Encourage self reliance and confidence
  • Give a focus for School wide fundraising enabling up to 30 Sixth Formers to travel and work with students in poorer countries.

The School has continued to develop the Overseas Partnerships in India, Nicaragua and latterly, Zambia, and we are enormously proud of our achievements over many years.

This year, Partnership visits will take place to India and Zambia so please read on for more information and for details on how to apply for a place on the next trip.

Places on the trips are limited and there are often more applicants than places available. It is essential that you understand this and that there will be some pupils who will inevitably be disappointed. However, it is also important to recognise that there are many alternative opportunities available at Mill Hill for Sixth Form pupils to gain leadership experience and that failure to gain a place on a Partnership, whilst disappointing, is not the end of the world. Not taking part on an Overseas Partnership WILL NOT affect your application to university.