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Head’s Blog

We’ve made it! The last day of the academic year, rounded off by the final event of Activities Week – It’s a Knockout- which proved to be great fun for everyone involved, and a fitting end to an amazing week. In true Mill Hill style, we have pushed the boundaries of what it’s possible to […]

As a young girl in Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai demanded that girls be allowed to receive an education, and for her activism she was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman in 2012, but survived and went on to receive the Nobel peace prize. Greta Thunberg, the school girl from Sweden who, at the age […]

Those who know me best would not necessarily say I am an early adopter, preferring to take a middle road until I feel convinced of an initiative’s validity, and am ready to take the plunge. And so it has been with my journey into technology and “socials”. But I have to say I’ve been bitten […]

I am not sure where this week has gone to, but it’s Friday again and there has been so much to celebrate in every aspect of School life. It’s as busy as ever! On Monday I attended the final of the Instrumental competition – a superb showcase for music at Mill Hill and one which […]