Meetings of the ‘Eco Society’ take place regularly each half term with members actively engaging in a number of projects that raise awareness of, or have a positive impact on, the environment. Mill Hill pupils also get involved in these projects through the curriculum, inter-House competitions and activities as well as whole school initiatives.
Did you know that humans wouldn’t be able to survive without bees? Or, did you know how important they are for reducing air pollution? Did you also know they are an endangered species at risk of going extinct?
We are making the most of Mill Hill School’s beautiful grounds to give back to biodiversity and protect these remarkable species by starting beekeeping.
We now have two beehives thanks to the efforts of the previous two years’ Eco Society pupils, Mr De Sousa, Miss Ivácson, in collaboration with Mr Llong (Grounds Manager) and most of all Mr Crouch (Interin Estate Manager) who helped make this happen.
We are looking forward to implementing educational activities with the beehives in collaboration with other teachers to teach the benefits of reintegrating wild bees in the environment.
As part of our Green Tree Schools Award path, pupils in the Eco Society and Fourth Form have been planting trees in the school grounds. The Woodland Trust have provided the School with 210 saplings to plant which, as well as adding year round colour to our existing trees, will also help to establish food and shelter for wildlife and create a living legacy for future generations. You can hear from our pupils about the Eco Society, and watch footage of our tree planting here: