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PSHE is a fundamental aspect of the curriculum that all pupils study throughout their career at Mill Hill. The confidence and values our pupils develop are every bit as important as their academic attainment and performance in co-curricular endeavours. PSHE provides an opportunity for pupils to learn, reflect and discuss a range of issues and life choices, which they may face now or in the future.  

The themes covered within PSHE are also supported within the whole school pastoral system through the Tutor Programme, Chapel, Assemblies and visiting speakers and within academic subjects. Although there is no formal assessment, pupils will have their understanding ‘assessed’ in a variety of ways over the course of the year, for example by completing end of unit surveys, creating resources and engaging in classroom discussions. 

We will also be dynamic and use our pupils’ voices and feedback to develop and improve the programme, as we know their needs may change due to influences in the world around them.  

PSHE is taught as a timetabled subject to every year group from Fourth Form through to Lower Sixth. Each year is designed to build on the previous years’ content and topics covered will remain consistent each year, however, the content is adapted so it is age appropriate and focuses on the needs of the pupils at the time. This ensures that every pupil received their full PSHE entitlement and is able to develop holistically throughout their school journey. At Upper Sixth, PSHE is delivered through the lecture series and through workshops. 

It is important that our PSHE curriculum challenges our pupils to think about all the topics we cover on the following three levels and links with events happening within the wider society: 

1. Personal: how does this affect me? Can I reflect on my own wellbeing? Can I find support? 

2. Interpersonal: how might this affect my friends/family? Can I demonstrate understanding; empathy and offer support? 

3. Societal: what is the ‘big picture’? What are the influences on me from society? How might I become part of movement for change? 

Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) sits within the PSHE framework as one of the many themes that our pupil’s study whilst in the Foundation. We follow the Statutory requirements for RSE and ensure that all pupils have access to quality teaching by a team of specialist PSHE teachers.  

The pupils’ PSHE programme is an essential part of the school curriculum and plays a significant part in the pupils’ ability to learn and achieve.