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This week in Reception…

In Reception this week we have been learning all about our school family.

We have been finding out the names of other adults in the school, going on walks to find out where we can find them and asking them about what their jobs are and what things they like. When the children arrived back to their classrooms they made a map of their school and labelled who they saw in each room. We also had a lovely visit from Mrs Ticehurst this week where we spoke about any worries we have had in the playground and what we can do to make it better. We spoke about saying ‘please stop I don’t like it’ when we do not like what somebody is doing and how we should respond by saying sorry. We all now know how important it is to speak to any grown up in the playground if something is worrying us as we are one big family here at Grimsdell and we all look after each other.

In Maths we have been learning about the number 5 and looking at one less. We have enjoyed singing and acting out number songs, RHD’s favourite is ‘5 little ducks’.

Miss Deamer