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This Week in Nursery!

The children have settled back into school after half term incredibly well. We are really impressed by how well they remembered the routine and came in with big smiles and lots to tell us about their exciting half term holiday.

The children returned to find the role-play area transformed into a Fancy Dress Shop with many different outfits including Harry Potter, Elsa, Buzz Lightyear, Superheroes and Knights. The children have loved dressing up, it was a great link to the children’s own experience of dressing up for Halloween and a creative way to develop their physical skills to dress independently.

The children thoroughly enjoyed hammering the pegs into the pumpkin and what was planned to be just an adult led activity turned into a child initiated activity throughout the rest of the week as they wanted to do it again and again.

On Tuesday we re-visited our friend’s names and talked about what it means to be a good friend. The children then chose one of their friends to take pictures of, they independently used the iPads to take pictures. We definitely have some budding photographs as the photos have turned out amazing.

**All photos used in the newsletter were taken by the children this week**.

On Wednesday, the children played Pumpkin Bingo. They had to recognise numbers shown in various ways on their pumpkin picture and cross them off when a number was called out by the teacher. The children loved shouting BINGO and did a great job at subitising.

Today the children learnt about the festival of Diwali. The children who celebrate Diwali shared their experiences and we read a story about this special day. The children enjoyed making Diva lamps with clay, making rangoli patterns and creating fireworks pictures.

We also had a wonderful visit from a London bus as our introduction to the topic London. The children sat on the bus, listened to a story and then found a very interesting crown.