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This week in Nursery

The children started the week off by developing their listening skills. We listened to various musical instruments and compared them. We talked about what they look and sound like.

Over the week we have explored the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. The children have been re-telling the story, playing with porridge and making patterns with small bears.

The children also had great fun with activities linked to the teachers. They had to piece back the teacher’s photographs like a puzzle and build houses for our mini-me’s. The children found this very funny and it was a great way to get to know us even more.

We have been doing a lot of work on our feelings too. We read a lovely story called ‘The colour monster’ and the children have been telling us how they feel and what colour they might be linked to in the colour monster story. The children also showed us their wonderful cutting skills by cutting out faces and sorting them to match the emotions,  happy and sad.

We have also been learning more about the children’s likes and dislike. The children shared with us their favourite ice cream flavour, pet and colour.

Today we challenged the children to create their homes using different materials around the school. The children could use art and crafts materials, construction objects inside and outside and playdough. We were incredibly impressed with the children’s creativity.