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This week in Nursery…

What a fabulous week in Nursery.

We have been exploring the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’. Through reading this story we have had many discussions about the differences and similarities of everyone in school. We have been discussing how wonderful it is that we are all different. The children have also loved exploring the animals in this story. We have been sorting the animals by their patterns and creating animal masks.

On Monday the children were incredibly lucky to take part in a Black History Month workshop with the parents from school. The children enjoyed listening to steel drumming, exploring different foods and clothing.

On Tuesday we also enjoyed a wonderful storytelling workshop linked to Black History Month. The children were introduced to a banana who wasn’t able to play with the other fruits at the supermarket because they were different, the story ended in the all the fruits being together and them all being part of a fruit salad.

As part of Black History Month we have been exploring different types of clothing. The children have made their own necklaces using pasta and painting them with very bright colours.

We also used this story to explore fruit and vegetables. We tried some fruit like Guava that we hadn’t eaten before. We also discussed healthy and unhealthy foods. The children were sorting foods and drawing their favourite healthy and unhealthy foods.