This week in Literacy and Topic, Year One has been learning to compose simple sentences and recognise sentences are made up of words in the correct order, starting with a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. They used this knowledge to compose simple sentences about elephants by learning lots of facts. The children shared their facts with each other preparing themselves for the trip next week.
In Phonics, this week the children have been focusing on ‘air’, ‘x,’ ‘qu’ and ‘ue’. We also looked at the green digraph ‘ew’ having the same sound as ‘ue’ spelt differently in words. The children looked at words containing these phonemes and digraphs. Rainbow words this week were: ‘me’ and ‘was’.
This week in maths, the children have been learning to sequence and order consecutive numbers in different representations. They used blank rulers, dice, dominoes, and dot patterns and learned to recognise mistakes within a number sequence.
In PSHE this week, Year One have been learning how diseases can spread and how to use simple strategies for preventing the spread of diseases. Children learnt to understand what kind of diseases can spread e.g cough, chicken pox, cold, flu etc to diseases that cannot spread such as asthma. They have learnt how they can help to stop the spread of germs through good hygiene routines. One of our continuous provision activities was to design a poster to show aspects of preventing the spread of germs such as Catch it, Bin It and Kill it.
This week in handwriting the children have been introduced to Pippa the rabbit and her letters that descend past the grass line to the worm e.g g,f,y,q and p). As the children have now familiarised the starting shapes for each animal family, they will begin to learn the correct formation of the cursive letters.
This week, the children have been celebrating black history month. They have had the opportunity to explore different artifacts, food, clothing, musical instruments and listening to steel drummers. What fun it was!