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This week in Reception…

What a wonderful week we have had Reception!

This week in Phonics we have learned the constant clusters ‘cl’ and ‘cr’ and the new Rainbow Word ‘she’. We have been practising our sentence writing skills, identifying our mistakes, and making changes! We can also use different rainbow words within our sentences.

In our Circle Time this week we focused on being safe and looking after our bodies. We looked at ‘PANTS’ from the NSPCC. We watched a video of Pantosaurus who explained the importance of PANTS.


In Maths, we have continued to look at using a tens frame and exploring teen numbers. We used the terminology of ‘five and some more’ and ‘ten and some more’. We took part in activities using tens frames and counters to make ten and more.

This week the children have been showing off their mathematical skills whilst taking part in set activities to see what they have learned so far. Well done, Reception!

On Wednesday we took part in a Golf Workshop with Dean from Mill Hill, which was an amazing experience for Reception where they learnt how to play golf on the field! You all showed your wonderful focusing and aiming skill!