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This week in Music…

Reception have been exploring their Music Teepee with Pianissimo from the ‘Musical Dots’. The Music Teepee is a safe, cosy imaginary space the children can go to to feel the powers of music. They build the teepee around them using their arms saying, ‘feel, image, hear’. When they are in their music teepee their ears become music detectives. Through listening to music carefully we find feelings, stories, instruments and lots more.  With eyes closed they listened to the ‘Can Can’ by Offenbach and discussed the instruments they could hear. The children shared where their imaginations took them whilst hearing the music and how it made them feel. It was really interesting to hear the children’s different ideas, music can take us to so many interesting places.

Using colourful scarves the children followed my moves initially and worked hard to copy my actions. I then chose some children to be the leaders. They were creative with their movements and made a great attempt at staying in time to the music and being clear with their actions.