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This week in Nursery…

What an amazing week in Nursery. The children returned to school on Monday to find the role play area had been transformed into a hot air balloon. The children have enjoyed pretending to go up, up and away in the air and have taken lots of our teddy bears for a flight.

The children enjoyed learning their new sound ‘t’ and decorating their sound cards with tea leaves. They also seem to be really enjoying bringing in their objects for the sound shelf so thank you for ensuring this has been chosen by them as it helps further this learning at home.

The children have continued to explore alliteration and the show and tell objects helped develop their listening skills even more as they guessed whose object it might belong to.

This week in Nursery, the children made some wonderful hot air balloons and they created patterns for the balloons and cut out the baskets independently. The children loved deciding which colours they would use.

In Maths this week, the children also made patterns with bells. At first, they had to follow the coloured patterns I had given them and then we challenged them to create their own musical patterns.

Today the children went on a pattern hunt around the school indoor and outdoor environment. The children took an iPad and took photos of all the patterns they could find.