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This week in Nursery…

The children brought in some very interesting and innovative objects for the ‘i’ sound shelf. They then used ink to decorate their sound card.

Tuesday was Pancake Day!! All the children took part in a pancake race and the whole school were really impressed with how the children confidently ran in front of so many adults. As a special treat they got to have yummy pancakes as part of their snack, which was enjoyed by everyone.

As part of our topic ‘Up, up and away’ the children have explored flying insects and creatures this week. We have looked at butterflies, moths, ladybirds and found out more information about them. On Tuesday, the children created a butterfly and ripped pretty paper to make the wings. They actually found ripping paper quite tricky however, it was great for their fine motor development.

This week was ‘Road Safety Week’. We took the children out in small groups and we talked about the importance of crossing a road safely. We practiced crossing the zebra crossing and remembered the rules to stop, look and listen.

This half term we will be focusing on subitising in maths. This is when you look at an amount and know how many there is without counting. This week we played a game where the children had to throw a dice, recognise the amount and then place that many insects onto the block. The children loved this game and wanted to play it over and over again.