Book Week was an enormous success this week and the children have been utterly enthused by all the activities and experiences. The book clues each morning have got them thinking and the story teller today has been so inspiring and engaging. Book week was launched with a lively and beautifully presented assembly by 2YM. They shared their enthusiasm for reading with photographs of each child reading in an interesting place and with people they care about. Reading with a family member or to a family member is such a lovely way to develop positive associations with reading and spend quality time together.
One of the highlights has been the grand opening of the library! Mrs Harvey and the team have worked so hard to create an exceptional space where a love of reading can be generated at the very heart of the school. Mrs Barnett’s wonderful doorway creation is a fabulous child centred entrance to the library. What child would not want to walk through those doors and discover the treasure trove of books inside? The children have spent the week familiarising themselves with the space and the fabulous array of children’s literature inside. We were delighted to welcome award winning local author Rob Biddulph to open our library and undertake some workshops with the children. Happy reading everyone!