Head’s blog
A new term at Grimsdell always means a brand new whole school topic and our children were so excited to walk through the door to discover the third environment change of this academic year. There were a number of clues to the topic present in the foyer, in the corridors and in classrooms: a card board cut out of Her Majesty the Queen, royal soldiers, bunting, regal fabrics and various London icons including London buses in each of the Year 1 classrooms, pillar boxes and a red phone box. Inspired in part by the forthcoming Royal Wedding we have decided that this term is a wonderful opportunity to deliver our curriculum through the rich and diverse history and culture of our beautiful city.
The stunning start to the topic in each year group was of great excitement; Year 2 had a visit from The Queen! Year 1 discovered and created a London bus in their own classrooms and Reception and Nursery met a real Knight from the past! With their imaginations captured and senses stimulated, the children are now ripe for further learning.
The topic itself has such breadth and lends itself to so many areas. Art, architecture and DT will feature prominently – in fact we will have a whole engineering day creating London icons! – story-telling of castles and knights and plenty of non- fiction opportunities with facts and information in abundance. History and Geography have obvious status within this topic, along with music and drama. In fact, even our end of term productions for Year 1 and 2 will be London themed! Take a look at these pictures and immerse yourself in the patriotic and cultural environment we have created as our next exciting platform for learning at Grimsdell.