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Head’s blog

On the Move! Engineering and Innovation at Grimsdell

The New Year has kicked off at Grimsdell with our brand new theme being revealed as ‘On the Move’.

The theme is very broad and far reaching. We are already finding the children exploring so many different facets of this topic. On the Move is essentially about transport so the children are learning about trains, vehicles and flight but the underpinning enquiry is all about how things move and the mechanisms that enable movement.

I visited a Year 1 classroom this morning to discover the children in their workshop using tools to create and build objects and explore how materials can be manipulated or joined together. One girl was bursting with excitement to show me that she had used a screw to create a pin, fixing two pieces of wood together.

The same class had also been experimenting to find out how wheels work and did an investigation to see whether small or large wheels move faster. They took this one stage further to explore the suitability of small or large wheels for different purposes. This resulted in one child going home to take apart various drawers and items around the home to see where wheels were used and how!

I left the class deep in discussions about engineering and how exciting it would be to have a job where you create new things or solve problems.

Year 2 have created their own special invention area outside their classrooms and our foyer has been transformed to reflect different types of movement; from hot air balloons to bicycles and trains. Our art work has also been connected to the theme whereby the children have worked to create abstract pieces using images from machinery.

Innovation is definitely alive and well at Grimsdell!