Head’s blog
Our Outdoor Classroom Day was a huge success with the whole school taking as much learning outside as much as possible. We were blessed with beautiful weather which certainly helped, but there was also a wonderful sense of wellbeing and enjoyment about learning usual ‘room based’ lessons outside. Clipboards, resources and equipment were all brought outside so that the children could access everything they needed and the level of focus and engagement was fantastic from all the children.
We are in the process of awaiting planning permission to go through for our outdoor classroom which, if successful, will provide us a permanent log cabin where we can access the outside whilst having shelter and resources readily available. The benefits of learning outdoors are well documented and as a school we are committed to providing as many opportunities as possible to ensure our children can thrive in as natural and inspiring a way as possible, enabling creativity, exploration and a sense of awe and wonder.
Lessons learnt outdoors, whether maths, science or language, often stay with us for life. Being outdoors helps children focus, boosts creativity and imagination, and can simply be more fun.
Children who have the freedom to play today — making friends, getting lost in the moment, having fun — are better prepared for whatever tomorrow throws at them. Playing helps children build friendships, test their own boundaries and solve their own problems. It’s central to a child’s development and their enjoyment of childhood.