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Young Enterprise (LS)






Tuesday, 12:30pm – 1:15pm (Y3,4&5),
Wednesday (Y6,7&8), 1:10pm – 1:55pm


Room 21

Who is running:

Miss Risianova


Do you have a business mind? Would you like to test your
entrepreneurial skills? This club will help you to set up your own mini company and design and manufacture a product to sell. Learn about product, place, price and promotion. You will test your business ability by selling your products at the Belmont summer fayre. There will also be an opportunity to compete head to head against the other mini companies in the Belmont Young Enterprise Competition.

Email contacts:


Please remember costs from clubs will be added to the school bill at the end of term, we cannot deduct the cost of club sessions missed due to illness or other extenuating circumstances. May we remind parents that if your child cannot attend their after school club due to illness or other personal circumstances then they must inform the school via the clubs@belmontschool.com email address.

Please note that if your child cannot attend a club due to a sports fixture organised by the school we will pick this up internally and we do not require an email.