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Head’s blog

Respect & Tolerance

Dear Parents

I hope you have all had a lovely week.

All schools are required to help children to understand the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. We talked about these qualities this week and how they fit in with the qualities expected of Belmontians. The main focus for the week was on mutual respect for and tolerance of other people and their beliefs.

Following on from the excellent Chapel Service on Tuesday by Reverend Warden to year 7 and 8, Mr Symes led the Chapel Services for years 3 – 6 He told the story of a mountaineer, a cyclist and a runner all embarking on a journey to the top of a mountain. Before they set off on their journey the trio argued about who would make it to the top first. Putting aside their differences they all eventually reached the summit where their argument changed to who had the best view? The children quickly recognised that the mountaineer, cyclist and runner all took different routes and had very different views of the scenery but they all achieved the same goal. The children acknowledged that it was important to respect each other’s individual views in life and at Belmont. Mr Symes then drew their attention to ‘The Golden Rule’ and the underlying message found in many religions of ‘Treating others as you expect to be treated yourself’.

In assembly we also talked about respect in more general terms and told them about the work of some key figures who made a huge difference in standing up for respect and equal treatment of different groups.

·         William Wilberforce (who moved to Mill Hill in his later years and funded the building of St Pauls Church next door) led the twenty year movement to stop the slave trade in 1807.

·         Emmeline Pankhurst helped women to win the right to vote.

·         Martin Luther King who , in one of the greatest speeches ever delivered stated ‘I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.’

The work of these brave and inspirational figures was heroic and they help us to see the importance of respecting one another regardless of our differences. We also talked about how the need for respect and tolerance is an ongoing battle and the children in assembly will be the next generation to make sure that regardless of skin colour, sex and beliefs everyone should be treated equally and with respect.

Belmont Jukebox Challenge:

Live and Let Die by Paul McCartney was chosen by Miss Black. She is a big James Bond fan and she enjoyed using the song when she was a Spinning Instructor. The different tempo, musical genres and changing volume of the song lent itself to a good Spinning session. I wouldn’t know.


Head for the Day

I am looking forward to putting my feet up on Monday as Elai Sagi is Head for the Day. This honour was bestowed upon him when his parents generously made a bid at the ABC Ball last October. I wish Elai all the best, if he needs me I will be in my office catching up on box sets! Elai is also looking forward to meeting the Year 3 and 4 parents for afternoon tea with the Head on Monday.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes

Leon Roberts