Head’s blog
Year 5 at the Tate Modern
The Year 5 children had a fantastic time at the Tate Modern this week. Thank you to Mr McNulty for organising the trips and to the Year 5 team for supporting a successful trip. In the wider educational world, Art and other creative subjects are being squeezed out of the curriculum, but they are such an important part of what we offer at Belmont. Art is a real strength of the school and creative experiences are also really important to enhance pupils’ wellbeing.
Mental Health
Following her own training, Mrs Russo delivered a really powerful presentation on children’s Mental Health to the staff last night. According to the Mental Health Foundation, 1 in 10 children in the UK have a diagnosable mental health disorder. Mrs Russo talked about the pressures that our children are under at home, school and online and she talked about the signs that a child may be suffering with their mental health. We want our children to work hard at Belmont and to do their best but our number one priority is that every child feels safe and happy here.
Wellbeing Week
We are really looking forward to Wellbeing Week starting on Monday and Mr Symes will be launching the event in Assembly. Throughout the week, therapists will be promoting aspects of healthy living and wellbeing to the children. Friday will be a Digital Detox Day. The children will experience a day of lessons without the use of technology – just like when many of us were growing up! We hope that the children and teachers will enjoy the break from computers throughout the day.
Best wishes,
Leon Roberts