Head’s blog
Summer has arrived!
Perhaps you could argue that it is two weeks too late but it is wonderful to welcome the warmth and glow of the sunshine for the start of the Summer Term. The pupils and teachers seem refreshed after a good Easter break and we are all ready to make the most of a busy and exciting Summer Term. With the improved weather there will be more opportunities for creative learning that can take place outside, a huge range of exciting visits and residential trips, more concerts and drama performances, Sports Day, the Year 8 Business Enterprise Programme, we also have Activities Week and finally it is the cricket season!
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Before we get to a great deal of the events highlighted above, the children need to try their best in some end of year tests and Year 8 pupils have their Common Entrance exams. I spoke to the children in assembly about working hard for these tests and exams so that they can feel proud of their efforts and achievements. I also talked about the importance of keeping a sense of perspective. I read to them some extracts from Richard Carlson’s book ‘Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff’. This guide gives valuable suggestions for putting challenges into perspective and reducing stress and anxiety through small daily changes.
One of the chapters tells the reader about how ‘Life is a Test.’
‘When you look at life and its many challenges as a test, or a series of tests, you begin to see each issue you face as an opportunity to grow…’
The test of life is an ‘opportunity to grow’ just as the children’s upcoming academic tests and exams are. We also talked about how sometimes it is OK to be bored. All of our lives our so busy and filled with stimuli and responsibilities that it is sometimes difficult to sit still. So in the midst of all the business of the Summer Term we should encourage the children to allow their minds to take a moment to rest.
‘Just like your body, your mind needs an occasional break from its hectic routine.’
Wellbeing Week
To help prepare the children for their tests and to help to promote their general awareness of wellbeing I am excited to announce that we are launching our first Wellbeing Week during the week commencing 30th April. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Sagi ,Belmont parents and Founders of 58 South Molton Street, for bringing their Wellbeing Clinic to Belmont to provide our children with a flavour of wellbeing experiences. During the week the children will get to learn about posture (Year 7), healthy feet (Year 5 and 6), eating well (Year 3 and 4) and stress management (Year 8) with some of the top therapists in the Wellbeing business. I am incredibly grateful to Mrs and Mrs Sagi for organising this event and to the therapists for volunteering their services across the week.
DD Day is coming…
Friday 4th May will also be a Digital Detox Day and we are going to try and avoid the children having any screen time and the teachers will not be using their computers, including email, throughout Friday. You may wish to continue the digital detox on Friday evening with your children and observe the impact of 24 hours without technology.
Mr Symes has added a reminder to parents in the newsletter about monitoring your children’s online behaviour with a very helpful video link about the impact of too much screen time. He also wanted me to remind parents about the upcoming parent workshop on Online Gaming on Thursday 10th May, run by the Breck Bednar Foundation.
I hope you all have an opportunity to enjoy some of this beautiful weather with your family over the weekend.
Best wishes,
Leon Roberts